How To Make the Most Out of Business Purchases and Customer Rewards Programs During a Recession

During a recession, businesses may struggle to generate profits and may need to find creative ways to maintain cash in their bank accounts. The post below discusses how business owners can divert overhead funds back into their wallets by adjusting regular business purchases, seeking out strategic return on investment (ROI) purchases, finding new income streams,

When Is It Time to Upgrade Your Vacuum Truck Fleet?

New Products to Upgrade Your Vacuum Truck Fleet

The need to upgrade your vacuum truck fleet is inevitable in the sanitation industry. As your business grows, you realize your old trucks show signs of wear and tear, such as continual leaks, concerning noises, wearing lights, or even failed gear systems. Such a situation leaves you with two main options: upgrading or maintaining your older

How to Manage Event Rentals & COVID-19: What to Expect for 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially impacted the event rentals space. New restrictions are forcing companies to prepare more adequately. It’s sometimes harder to thrive with heavier regulations put in place. On top of that, many event attendees are very cautious of attending events. This leaves event rental professionals with the monumental task of making customers

5 Tips to Provide Better Customer Service During COVID-19

Recent events have highlighted the benefits of providing better customer service and amplified the need surrounding it. In the early days of the pandemic, businesses suffered significant operational disruptions as they figured out how to navigate changing public health mandates and consumer demands. What kept many customers returning to buy was their experience, as well

How To Stay Connected With Your Sanitation Customers In A Socially Distant World

In a world where social distancing is necessary to help curb the spread of COVID-19, many people are now working from home or are isolated. As a result, it can be difficult for businesses to stay connected with their customers. However, there are many ways to keep in touch and maintain those meaningful relationships. At

How To Stay Connected With Your Sanitation Customers In A Socially Distant World

In a world where social distancing is necessary to help curb the spread of COVID-19, many people are now working from home or are isolated. As a result, it can be difficult for your business to stay connected. However, there are many ways to keep in touch and maintain those meaningful relationships. At Satellite Industries,

A Guide to Managing Recruitment & Retention in Today’s Sanitation Industry

Recruiting and retaining talented, hard-working individuals is the goal of any prospering business. In today’s ever-changing work landscape, it’s essential to provide enticing benefits packages that foster genuine employee relationships and appreciation. As younger generations continue to move into today’s workforce, it’s up to managers to create a culture that promotes success, personal and professional

10 Tips for Managing Business Growth in a Healthy Way

When you start a business, the desire to grow is inevitable. You may have steadily grown or suddenly grown, or perhaps you’re flatlining and simply maintaining what you already had. A successful business lasts. A successful business grows. No growth or too rapid growth can ruin your company. That’s true for businesses of every size,

Large Event Management in a Post COVID-19 World

Each country, and even every state, has a different response to the coronavirus pandemic. It seems that whenever cases have gone down in one country, they rise in another. When one state lifts restrictions, another has to reimplement them. The only predictable thing about COVID-19 is that it is unpredictable. So what does that mean