Be Prepared: Tips for Winterizing Your Truck Fleet


In the winter months, to avoid costly road mishaps while delivering or servicing restrooms, it’s essential to ensure your trucks are winter ready. Driving conditions can become hazardous in minutes, so it’s crucial to spend some time upfront preparing your truck for the ice, snow, and freezing temperatures. We’ve prepared a handy checklist of items

Winterizing Your Satellite Suites Trailer


While the temperatures are cold, protecting your restroom trailer from becoming a frozen igloo is vital because your Satellite SuiteTM trailer works mainly with water and pipes to function. Frozen water in pipes is no joke because the icy water expands within the lines and will cause cracking leading to damage and expensive repairs. Below

Winterizing Your Portable Restrooms and Handwash Units


When the cold temperatures arrive, so must your determination to protect your assets from the cold. The next series will cover how to winterize everything from your portable restrooms to your specialty trailers so you can keep your investments in good working condition. This post covers winterization tips and brine solutions for even the coldest

Best Practices for Debt Collection in the Sanitation Industry

Overdue...Debt Collection Strategies

Getting and receiving payment for goods and services is what makes the world go round in business. But what if a client refuses to pay their invoice? It doesn’t happen that often, but when it does, depending on how large the debt is, it can throw your books off or, worse, your world if the

P2P Payments for Small Business

Credit Card Payments for Small Business

Social payments, Peer-to-peer payments, or P2P Payments for small business is the new player on the field. While these services are best known for exchanging money between friends for things like splitting the bill for dinner, you may also take payment for on-the-go small business transactions. All Teed Up It’s effortless to take payments via

Payment Service Providers or PSPs

Credit Card Payments for Small Business

The popularity of payment service providers (PSPs) like PayPal and Square is trending upwards. While there are plenty of bells and whistles associated with PSP payments, there are also important factors to consider for your bottom line. Track Record One of the first PSP payment services, PayPal, started in 1998 when it became the in-house

Traditional Credit Card Merchant Services

Credit Card Payments for Small Business

Before the internet, there were limited options for how a business handles a credit card purchase. These days, the possibilities are head spinning with payment acceptance choices. In the first installment of our credit card processing series, we look at the traditional credit card merchant services model and determine if it is still a service

Credit Card Payments for Small Business

Credit Card Payments for Small Business

In the last ten years, digital online “Merchants” such as PayPal and P2P (peer-to-peer) payment apps like Venmo have emerged that promise to make your life easier, but is that really the case? The Credit Card Payments for Small Business series aims to demystify the world of digital payments. In three short 3 to 5-minute

When Is It Time to Upgrade Your Vacuum Truck Fleet?

New Products to Upgrade Your Vacuum Truck Fleet

The need to upgrade your vacuum truck fleet is inevitable in the sanitation industry. As your business grows, you realize your old trucks show signs of wear and tear, such as continual leaks, concerning noises, wearing lights, or even failed gear systems. Such a situation leaves you with two main options: upgrading or maintaining your older

How to Manage Event Rentals & COVID-19: What to Expect for 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially impacted the event rentals space. New restrictions are forcing companies to prepare more adequately. It’s sometimes harder to thrive with heavier regulations put in place. On top of that, many event attendees are very cautious of attending events. This leaves event rental professionals with the monumental task of making customers