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EPA Registered Products | What’s in Your Disinfectant?


Keeping customers safe and equipment clean is always top-of-mind for the sanitation industry. Now more than ever, your clients want the assurance that proper measures are being taken to protect themselves and others. As such, they may want to know exactly what’s in the products you use to disinfect and sanitize equipment. In some cases, only accepting EPA registered products listed on the CDC website as recommended for use against SARS-Covid.

Protect yourself, your employees, and your customers by providing them helpful information, creating detailed plans to keep things sanitary, and use effective EPA registered, CDC approved products on the market.

What steps can an employer take?

Employers should have a COVID-19 response plan to protect workers, following CDC Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers, and share this plan with all employees in any language necessary. Small construction businesses should review the CDC small business guidelines. Employers should take steps to:

  • Help prevent the spread of COVID-19 if an employee is sick. Actively encourage sick employees to stay home.
  • Provide employees with accurate information (in a language they understand) about COVID-19, how it spreads, and risk of exposure.
  • Provide training to employees on proper handwashing practices and other routine preventative measures. This will help prevent the spread of many diseases, including COVID-19.
  • Explore alternative ways to promote hand hygiene if there is difficulty sourcing hand sanitizer and running water is not available on site.  This includes, but is not limited to, installing temporary or mobile handwashing stations.

Maintain healthy business operations

Despite event cancellations and changes, the sanitation industry is still very active. While maintaining your business operations, you may have to think of new ways to keep employees and customers safe. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Designate a safety and health officer to be responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns at every job site. Workers should know who this person is and how to contact them.
  • Implement flexible sick leave and supportive policies and practices.
  • Reach out to local public health officials to establish ongoing communications to facilitate access to relevant information before and during a local outbreak.

Taking steps like these will help your employees know that you’re looking out for them. Customers will also feel safer hiring your company, knowing that you’re taking all of the appropriate measures.

RELATED: Navigating Business Relationships in Uncertain Times

EPA & CDC approved products

The EPA is an agency of the United States federal government whose mission is to protect human and environmental health.  There are many EPA registered products that are safe for your business and your customers. A full list of these products can be found on the EPA.gov website.

EPA Products Enviro Bac 2

Satellite is proud to offer solutions such as the EnviroBac 2 (EPA# 10324-63) to serve this specific need in the industry and support our customers.  Intended for use in hospital, institutional, and food-grade operations, Enviro Bac 2 is a high dilution, moderate foaming 10% quaternary sanitizer/disinfectant, and effective mildewstat for use in the portable sanitation industry.  A one-step disinfectant that combats a broad spectrum of bacteria that inhibits the growth of mold and mildew and their odors when used as directed, leaving your portable sanitation equipment thoroughly sanitized.

Keep up to date

EPA updates registered product lists periodically to reflect label changes, cancellations, and transfers of product registrations.  The key is to make sure you’re checking government sources regularly and make sure the products and information you provide to your customers are up to date.

If you need more information EPA registered products, or any of our cleaners and sanitizers, please reach out to us at any time!


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