
Stainless Steel

Waste Tank

3400 gal




60,000 lbs


Stainless steel tanks are the most durable, longest lasting tank available on the market. The materials weigh and cost more than carbon or aluminum, but operators who want to keep their trucks in service longer insist on stainless. The stainless service module is designed to maximize the payload capacity for single and tandem rear axle trucks. This eliminates the added cost and maintenance of a lift or tag axle while maintaining a manageable overall length.

Sizes range from 2200-3400 gallons. These are large enough to pump up to three average sized septic tanks before dumping and with its open frame there is additional room for storage or jetters. Select a high quality pump package from a leading manufacturer, including NVE, Masport, Jurop, Moro or Wittig. Custom tanks are also available upon request.


Request Information


Jetter Package*

Self contained high pressure washdown system.

*Optional feature

Hose Hooks

Added hose hooks on the rear of tank, allowing the operator more efficiently pump and dispose of waste.

Storage Box

Each truck is outfitted with a cabinet located on the passenger sides for increased storage.

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Call for more information: 1-800-883-1123